
Thursday, January 29, 2009


We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680)
I have not updated the chart yet - I do not remember if I am up one or two pounds today - oops.

I had a bad night last night concerning the diet. I really was not hungry, but... I am not sure what to call it - I ate because of stress, emotions, boredom - whatever, it just boils down to I was not feeling satisfied and I ate 4 pop tarts (2 foiled packages). I really do not even like these things very much. You might ask, "Then why do you have them in the house?"

Well, they are really cheap and I like to take them with me on long bicycle rides. They fit right in your back jersey pocket and each Pop Tart is 200 calories. They come two to a pack and sweat will not soak into the foil package or anything. A box of Pop Tarts is just about $1 for eight of these monstrosities (also, there is a $1 off coupon on some of the boxes right now). These things are so much cheaper than a gel or power bar or any of those sort specialty products. Fig newtons would be just as bad.

FYI - They do have a version with 5 grams of fiber per tart - that's the kind I had last night - plus 20 grams of fiber.