
Sunday, February 1, 2009

DAY 01 - Ride the Rollers

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving - Albert Einstein
Well, for the month, I am down 3.8 pounds and down 2 body fat percentage points. I had really hoped for more. At one point in the month I was down a full 6 pounds but the weight seems to pop up and down. Sometimes there is rhyme; sometimes there is reason; sometimes it is baffling. I know that my sodium consumption has a lot to do with this and how much water my body retains. I do not put salt on anything that I eat so if I have some salty chips or nuts or anything like that then - BAMM - I retain 2 or 3 pounds of water.

I am going to continue to follow this diet plan and track my weight. The chart will remain at the top of this blog.

Now for the new resolution. I thought about several habits that I would like to implement. Some are noted below (I'm sure I will come up with more):

01. Picture a day - chronicle your life.

02. Brain power - learn a new skill or take a class (ie. A word a day in a foreign language, study for a certification, etc.)

03. Body power - learn a new physical skill (ie. Learn to ride the rollers - maybe even no handed, learn to juggle, etc.)

04. Simplify your life - for every item brought into the house two must leave.

05. Rise and Shine - Greet the day. Be on my feet by 6 AM every morning for a month - either at the gym or on the trail.

06. Write a novel - Write a novel in a month - maybe for November -
With my first race of the season taking place on April 05 (70.3 New Orleans) I have decided to improve my bike handling skills and set the rollers up. If you do not know what rollers are - they are a device that allows you to ride a real bicycle stationary. You have to balance like you are riding outside. It is claimed that you will increase your bike handling skills dramatically. So, today I will pull the rollers down from the attic (I have been using a bike trainer since fall and not the rollers). The tangibles of this goal are to be able to ride the rollers with clip less pedals for at least 30 minutes. I will start out with trying to ride the rollers next to a wall (or door jam) with tennis shoes.